Friday, January 25, 2008

The little things i'm missing *

SO EMO ...

Bum bum , you know who you are .. If your reading , I'm missing you . .

Hmmm , As you all know i had to go back to the hospital yesterday for a routine check up . And i gotta go back again next Friday . Neways the Doctor took out the dressing and the bandage . He said to leave it like that so the wound can dry . The cut is long but it doesnt really look that deep , but imagine how deep it had to be for the Doctor to screw my bone back togther .

Since im stuck at home , i've been thingking and missing loads of things . This accident has really opened my eyes . I'm really gonna start being productive after this . I'm going to start going to the gym , cause apparently im really putting on weight by just staying at home like this .


1. I'm missing foosball !! . I haven't touched a foosball table for months adey and i'm not going to be able to touch it for another few months . And i miss bum bum , who always used to foos with me .

2. I'm missing chillin in McD's till 6 a.m in the morning .

3. Missing terrorizing people with Sarny .

4. Going shopping with Su .

5. Those big dinners with the girls .


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