Friday, October 10, 2008

freaky shit *

Yesterday i was in Mcd's with Sarny ,
Than we started talking bout nursery rhymes .
Than we realized something . Some nursery rhymes are actually quite sadist .
Example 1 :

"London Bridge is falling down , falling down , falling down ,
London bridge is falling down , my fair lady . . ."

-.-" I mean come on , the London bridge is falling down.
Can you imagine how many people would die if that happened .
Example 2 :

"Its raining, its pouring, the old man is snoring,
He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning."

What does that tell you? , that the old man died in his sleep right.
Some freaky shit.
Hmmm , and yess this shows how bored we were in Mcd yesterday.
Well this was just a thought that i wanted to share .
Lame ?? maybe larr . hehehe .
Peace out people .
Enjoy your weekend :) Mwahh *

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